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You’re invited to attend our Foster Training Session in the Basement Training Room for both new and experienced fosters. This session typically lasts about an hour. You’ll learn about how fostering works, why it is a crucial part of helping animals in our community, what to do and what NOT to do with your foster animal. We will also go over new processes for vet care, how to tell when your foster animal needs medical attention and how we contact folks for fostering.

Also covered: how to care for bottle baby kittens, how to socialize puppies (yes, this is not rocket science, but there are some rules!), how to work with feral cats, how to help shy dogs, how to keep your foster animals (and your own pets) safe, healthy and happy, and much more.


Come with questions and get to know your CASPCA foster team!

Even if you have fostered before, come anyway! Your experience is invaluable, and we’ll be recruiting for a foster mentor program too!

Call (434) 964-3310 with questions. We’ll have handouts summarizing what we go over during the training session. Hope to see you all there!

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