• Fire emergencies can strike without warning, putting both humans and pets at risk. As a responsible pet owner, it’s crucial to prepare and safeguard your furry friends from fire hazards and keep Sparky’s name from becoming too literal! A cat to a candle can be like a moth to a flame – according to the […]

  • If you’ve ever browsed the cat rows at the shelter, you may have noticed a sign on a cat’s enclosure stating that they are FELV+ or FIV+. The cat behind the sign is perfect for you, but those big letters next to that plus sign can be pretty scary for a new pet owner! Don’t […]

  • As we celebrate Pride Month, it’s a perfect time to highlight the incredible intersection of the LGBTQ+ community and animal welfare. This month, we recognize the outstanding contributions of LGBTQ+ individuals who have tirelessly advocated for better conditions for animals, and the amazing volunteers, staff, and community members who work daily to ensure the well-being […]

  • In early May, the Charlottesville Albemarle SPCA was given the opportunity to step up and assist in a critical situation. Best Friends Animal Society contacted us regarding 47 cats rescued from an unfortunate animal hoarding case in Rockingham, North Carolina. Thanks to the robust support from our community and the consistent adoption rates for cats […]