Grab your running shoes
and your furry best friend
for the 12th Annual
bow-WOW-walk on April 26th!
Spaying and Neutering
prevents unwanted litters in the community.
Compassionate Care Clinics provide affordable wellness services.
Help us rescue, rehome
and rehabilitate homeless dogs and cats!
Give a shelter pet
a place to call home for a
night, a week or longer.
with a mission to foster a caring community where companion animals thrive in a safe and loving environment, achieved through outreach, advocacy, and comprehensive animal services for our community.
Lives Impacted through SPCA programs in 2023.
Animals who spent time in foster homes in 2023.
Veterinary surgeries performed in 2023.
Rehoming your pet is never an easy choice. The SPCA offers resources and judgment-free rehoming assistance.
Have you lost a pet, or found one? Check out our resources for uniting lost pets and owners.
No one should have to choose between feeding their pet or themself - we offer pet food to those in need.
Daily: 12:00pm - 6:00pm
Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. | Web Design by Thrive Marketing | Privacy Policy